Visits in Austria
13. December 2019
This week WP1 and PAC visited AKH in Vienna for an initiation visit and MUG in Graz for a follow up visit. Vienna will open soon as a Satellite of MUG. Both teams did a great job on organizing these visits and giving us the warmest welcome.
Doctors, study coordinators, nurses, lab people and all other staff members involved in the INNODIA project, were very interested and eager to learn. But moreover, we had the most valuable meetings and interactions about what the centers need from us, as WP1, PAC and communication team.
We were extremely lucky to have an interview with Danya, a participant in Graz, who had his last visit in the INNODIA study on Wednesday. Danya was so kind to agree on an interview about his participation in the project. This kind of input is priceless to us. Not only to find out what could be improved in the way we provide information about the study progression, but it also shines a light on aspects we may overlook in keeping a tight connections between all stakeholders within INNODIA.
Thank you to Prof. Dr. T. Pieber, Dr. B. Rami-Merhar and their entire teams.
We wish our new Satellite in Vienna the best of luck, once they officially start recruitment, sometime very soon now.