Copenhagen get together
21. June 2022
INNODIA nurses and study coordinators gathered in Copenhagen.
Clinical Network face to face meeting (WP1) - June 10, 2022
The INNODIA clinical network held its first face to face meeting in Copenhagen on June 10th, after over 2 years of just virtual meetings. The meeting was held in the amazing Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen, and it offered INNODIA clinical research nurses and coordinators with the much-missed opportunity to network and exchange ideas.
The meeting agenda included several presentations, which were delivered either in-person or remotely, and a small group discussion session.
Following a warm welcome by Professor Jesper Johannesen from the Herlev team, Professor Chantal Mathieu provided updates on present and future INNODIA plans.
The shift from Unaffected Family Members to people with an increased risk for T1D in the observational study has been explained in depth and discussed. Trial co-ordinators presented updates on the progress of the ongoing Trials, MELD-ATG, VER-A–T1D, IMPACT and ISCALIMAB. It was amazing to see excellent recruitment rates and trial progresses as well as to hear about the challenges encountered, primarily but not only, due to the Covid pandemic.

This was followed by some updates from the PAC and communication teams, who continue to play a vital part in the success of INNODIA. The last presentation was an overview of key aspects of sample management in INNODIA, delivered by Sylvaine Bruggraber, in what will probably be her last interaction with the INNODIA clinical network, prior to fully move into her new job.
The afternoon was dedicated to group discussions around the theme of participant recruitment and retention and provided the attendees with the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences on how to successfully recruit participants and keep them active for the whole trail duration. The small groups session resulted in a great lively discussion and a high level of interaction that has been missing over the past couple of years.
Overall, this was a successful meeting, and it was lovely to see both known and new INNODIA team members getting together again and enjoying sitting together in a room instead than in front of a computer screen, chatting, having drinks and food together in an amazing setting. We hope we will see all again in a year time for another fruitful and enjoyable meeting.