INNODIA Research

Overview Innodia

Despite significant progress in preclinical type 1 diabetes research the important findings from in vitro models and animal studies could not yet be translated into novel and effective clinical interventions with earlier diagnosis and effective treatments to prevent development and progression of type 1 diabetes.

INNODIA is an international consortium of:

31 Academic

Institutions and clinics



2 Patient



Small and medium sized

Annual scientific Reports

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What is INNODIA about?

Prof. Chantal Mathieu, KU Leuven, INNODIA

Industry Perspective on INNODIA

Dr. Matthias Loehn, Sanofi


Latest publications as given in current puplication section

For more information

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The overall objective of Innodia

The overall objective of INNODIA is to advance in a decisive way how we predict, evaluate and prevent the onset and progression of type 1 diabetes (T1D), by creating novel tools, such as biomarkers, disease models and clinical trial paradigms. These tools allows to distinguish and understand at the cellular and molecular level distinctive paths of ontogeny and progression in this heterogeneous disease, thus impacting on the future management of T1D patients and at risk individuals. For this goal, INNODIA established a comprehensive and interdisciplinary network of clinical and basic scientists, who are leading experts in the field of T1D research in Europe, with complementary expertise from the areas of immunology, beta‐cell biology and biomarker research. The consortium interacts in a coordinated fashion with all major stakeholders in the process, in particular regulatory bodies and patients with T1D and their families.

The objectives

  1. Develop a European infrastructure for the recruitment, detailed clinical phenotyping and bio‐sampling of a large cohort of newly diagnosed subjects with T1D and at risk family members.
  2. Establish a tight collaborative network of basic and clinical researchers working in a coordinated and focused way to address key knowledge gaps in relation to b‐cell autoimmunity, leading to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of T1D and a cure for this disease.
  3. Advance the development and application of novel methodologies by exploiting our major strengths in bioresource and ‘omics’ technologies
  4. Establish a unique integrated database assimilating historical data, with data from clinical and experimental sources. This will permit visualization and modelling of interactions between phenotype, genetic, immune and metabolic pathways to explore subtypes, potentially redefining ontogeny of T1D in the context of prevention and intervention strategies.
  5. Conceive innovative clinical trial designs that exploit novel validated biomarkers allowing better subject stratification and functioning as surrogate endpoints, thus yielding shorter and more focused intervention studies of single or combined therapies.

Scientific workpackages

Scientific workpackages

INNODIA is organized into 6 Work Packages (WP´s) focusing on distinct topics with a dedicated governance structure ensuring close interaction, communication and adherence to the objectives and deliverables of the consortium.

Advisory Boards (Strategic and ethics)
Associates (nPOD,EURADIA, Enpr-EMA)
WP1 Patient cohort studies: High risk and newly diagnosed T1 D- euPOD
WP2 Biomarker Analysis and Validation Core
WP6 Management, Exploitation and Dissemination
WP3 Novel Models and Mechanistic Studies on T1D Pathogenesis
WP4 Systems Biology / In Silico Modelling
WP5 Innovative Clinical
Trials in EU
Patient Advisory Committee (patients and families from different countries, IDF-Europe)


WP1 creates a clinical infrastructure to enable studies of the relationship between changes in β-cell function, immune profiles, genetic and environmental factors in new onset T1D patients and subjects at risk. The workpackage will deliver standardized collections of clinically and scientifically relevant biological samples from very large populations of new onset T1D patients and at risk subjects.


WP2 focuses on performing multi-dimensional analyses of T1D phenotypes and relate these singly or via integration to clinical outcomes and progression (WP4), with the intention of facilitating biomarker discovery (collaboration with WP3), surrogate marker development and patient stratification, and a better understanding of disease heterogeneity.


WP3 will focus on the discovery of novel and better ways to model and monitor the disease process and to evaluate the effect of new therapies under well-controlled experimental conditions. For this purpose, WP3 will use as discovery and validation tools in particular primary human tissues (e.g. human islets and immune cells); human cell lines; and humanized mouse models. Novel approaches proposed in WP3 should allow progress of our understanding of the natural history of T1D, fast translation of novel therapies from the bench to the bedside, and mechanistic explanations as to why new disease-modifying therapies in T1D succeed or fail.


WP4 supports the overarching aims of INNODIA relating to data management and development of integrative algorithmic approaches for prediction and discovery. WP4 algorithms will predict and evaluate the progression of T1D by combining and integrating data derived from other WPs via their multidisciplinary approaches to molecular genetics and functional genomics, cellular and molecular biology, proteomics, immunology, metabolomics, and β-cell biology together with the clinical phenotyping of subjects. WP4 will create the data management infrastructure supporting analysis of individual data types as well as integrative analyses working across readouts in a way that will be compatible with the data capture models adopted in other WPs.


WP5 is aiming to establish a step change in the way to evaluate novel therapeutics for newly diagnosed patients with T1D and those at risk for T1D. It will establish an EU clinical trials network, develop novel trial design models and evaluate of utility of surrogate biomarkers to accelerate clinical trial performance in T1D, moving towards prevention or cure of the disease. These strategies will be developed through an early and close engagement between the INNODIA partners (academic and industry) and stakeholders, in particular regulators and patients.


WP6 provides project Management to effectively manage the INNODIA consortium and provide governance direction to the project. It supports the dissemination and exploitation of INNODIA results and is responsible for the interaction with internal and external stakeholders and implementing all management procedures required for the successful implementation and execution of the of the INNODIA workplan.


40 partner


    institutions and clinics
  • 6 EFPIA


  • 1 SME

For more information select one of the following partners

Academic partners

  • KU Leuven
  • ULB
  • MUG
  • UCPH
  • HH RH
  • UH
  • UTU
  • HKA
  • HMGU
  • TUD
  • UULM
  • RUMC
  • LUMC
  • UD'A
  • UPI
  • UniSR
  • OPBG
  • CHL
  • OUS
  • SUM
  • UL
  • UNIL
  • UCAM
  • KCL
  • UOXF
  • CU


  • Sanofi
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Eli Lilly
  • GSK
  • Imcyse
  • Novartis


  • Univercell-Biosolutions


  • Breakthrough T1D
  • HCT