INNODIA is happy to announce that the Ver-A-T1D study has successfully randomized 135 participants.
:: 22. April 2024
The end of an era and beginning of a new one: INNODIA HARVEST Final annual meeting
As we started with the first annual meeting of INNODIA in Leuven (Belgium), back in 2016, we are now reaching the end of INNODIA HARVEST at the same location. Approximately 130 participants gathered together in-person and remotely to look back on the project.
:: 21. November
MELD-ATG clinical trial - one of the last participants treated in Hannover, Germany
Jette is one of the last participants treated in the INNODIA clinical trial MELD-ATG.
:: 09. October 2023
Study suggests treatment with antiviral drugs could preserve beta cell function in children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
A recent study, led by Dr Ida Maria Mynarek and Professor Knut Dahl-Jørgensen, from the Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, was presented on October 4, 2023 at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in Hamburg, Germany. The study suggests that antiviral drugs could help protect insulin-producing cells in the pancreas in children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
:: 01. March 2023
Imcyse Announces Completion of Enrollment
Imcyse, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company pioneering the development of a new class of active and specific immunotherapies for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases, today announced completion of patient enrollment in its Phase 2 IMPACT (IMCY-0098 Proof of ACtion in Type 1 Diabetes) trial of its lead product candidate IMCY-0098, a proinsulin-derived ImotopeTM engineered to halt the progression and prevent early-onset Type 1 diabetes (T1D).
:: 01. March 2023
2023 George Eisenbarth Memorial Lecture award
INNODIA PI The Prof. Decio Eizirik after receiving the 2023 George Eisenbarth Memorial Award at the annual nPOD conference.
:: 03. February 2023
IMPACT has reached its target; screening closed!
After 27 months of incredible dedication - for a big part during pandemic times - IMPACT has reached its enrolment target and is closing screening of newly diagnosed adult patients.
:: 31. January 2023
Decio L. Eizirik wins the George Eisenbarth Memorial Lecture
Congratulations to Dr. Decio L. Eizirik, the recipient of the 2023 George Eisenbarth Memorial Lecture at the 15th annual Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD) meeting.
:: 02. Dezember 2022
The role of the family physician
How can general practitioners support screening, prevention and intervention of type 1 diabetes?
:: 30. November 2022
MELD-ATG is halfway!
MELD-ATG is thrilled to have reached half of the participants we need to include in the study.
:: 18. November 2022
INNODIA project - Progetto INNODIA
For the occasion of World Diabetes Day and Diabetes Awareness Month, Caterina Formichi from the INNODIA team in Siena, was asked to write an article in Cibum, an Italian online platform aimed at sharing scientific information on the correct lifestyles to live healthy.
:: 18. November 2022
BREAKING: TZIELD approved by FDA to delay the onset of T1D
A huge step for mankind: First ever disease-modifying drug for Type 1 Diabetes approved by FDA. Let us hope this is the first step on the path to eradicate the disease. INNODIA investigators will do all they can to help speed up this process!
:: 15. November 2022
Manuela Battaglia becomes Managing Director of the INNODIA iVZW
We are proud to announce that Manuela Battaglia, Ph.D. has been named Managing Director of the INNODIA iVZW. Congratulations, Dr. Battaglia!
:: 31. October 2022
The pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes
There is great motivation among researchers to act on the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes. What do we know about how T1D develops? And what starting points does this process offer?
Article by Prof. C. Mathieu in Artsenkrant, a magazine for medical doctors and specialists, focusing on a number of disciplines, the latest medical news. [Dutch and French only]
:: 14. October 2022
INNODIA featured at Bright Night
The University of Siena took part in BRIGHT-NIGHT, a European Researchers\' event, showing everyone the importance and variety of the world of science, highlighting what happens for INNODIA in the laboratory.
:: 25. August 2022
INNODIA moves to the next stage: non-for-profit INNODIA iVZW established!
On July 28th 2022 we established INNODIA iVZW, an international, non-profit organization, with its seat in Leuven, Belgium
:: 21. June 2022
Copenhagen get together
INNODIA nurses and study coordinators gathered in Copenhagen.
:: 20. May 2022
Celebrating international Clinical Trials Day
Tomorrow we are celebrating International Clinical Trials Day.
:: 20. May 2022
Master Protocol published
We're pleased to share the news that the INNODIA Master Protocol has now been published in the journal 'Trials'.
:: 11. May 2022
MELD-ATG now open for 5+
INNODIA is beyond proud to have received positive advise to open the MELD-ATG trial for children age 5-11.
:: 04. May 2022
Image-Ver-A-T1D officially started
The first 2 patients have been included in the image-Ver-A-T1D trial so the trial has officially taken off!
:: 23. March 2022
Annual meeting Pisa: INNODIA keeps making progress!
After 2 years of virtual meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the consortium was delighted to finally meet their partners in person again!
:: 16. March 2022
Kick-off annual meeting 2022
Finally the first F2F annual meeting took place since the COVID pandemic.
:: 11. March 2022
INNODIA is expanding!
INNODIA now also welcomes ALL autoantibody positive people in the general population.
:: 09. February 2022
Milestone for Ver-A-T1D
On Monday February 8th, Medizinische Universität Graz celebrated the final visit of the very first participant in the Ver-A-T1D trial.
:: 17. January 2022
First positive data in the IMPACT trial
An interim analysis of IMPACT, the Imcyse clinical trial in collaboration with INNODIA, resulted in positive data! Also recruitment reached its midpoint and the study will soon be initiated in both the US and Australia.
:: 11. January 2022
Sub-hub founded in UZ/KU Leuven
Another sub-hub in Leuven was founded in January 2022.
:: 10. January 2022
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the entire INNODIA/INNODIA HARVEST family!
:: 09. December 2021
Approval to use Iscalimab in a lower age group
Enrollment in the Novartis study is now open to people between 12 and 21 years of age.
:: 09. December 2021
Protocol Paper for MELD-ATG
Antithymocyte globulin (ATG), Thymoglobuline, an immunosuppressive agent used in one of the INNODIA clinical trials, has recently shown promise in the treatment of new-onset T1D subjects aged 12–45 years.
:: 23. November 2021
Powerful Webinar about the need for screening and prevention in type 1 diabetes
Armed with strong evidence, 4 leading experts in the field of type 1 diabetes addressed healthcare providers, payors and policy makers about the need for early detection and prevention of the disease.
:: 09. November 2021
EMJ Diabetes Journal
Today, the EMJ Diabetes Journal came out, publishing a congress interview by Prof. Dr. C. Mathieu, explaining INNODIA’s developments and highlighting the future of the field.
:: 22. October 2021
EMA letter of support for INNODIA
The European Medicins Agency supports the adaptation of the INNODIA Master Protocol in Type 1 Diabetes for studies in prevention.
:: 15. October 2021
Thomas Danne wins ISPAD’s Prize of Achievement
INNODIA’s WP5 lead, Prof. Dr. Thomas Danne, has won the Prize of Achievement at the ISPAD2021 conference.
:: 14. October 2021
INNODIA-INNODIA HARVEST exhibits at Health House
INNODIA is honored to have been invited to Health House by the Province of Flemish Brabant (Belgium).
:: 01. October 2021
On Thursday September 30th, INNODIA had an own session at EASD2021, where Prof. Thomas Danne and Prof. Søren Brunak presented and explained all different ongoing studies in the project, as well as their specific work area.
:: 01. October 2021
Winners INNODIA / INNODIA HARVEST Young Scientists Award
Earlier this year, INNODIA/INNODIA HARVEST decided to launch a Young Scientists Award.
:: 24. September 2021
Successful first Webinar
The very first public INNODIA/INNODIA HARVEST Webinar turned out to be a success!
:: 20. September 2021
Start Ver-A-T1D in France
Today InstitutCochin (INSERM) in Paris started recruitment for the INNODIA Ver-A-T1D intervention study.
:: 17. August 2021
Slovenia joining MELD-ATG
As from today, our Slovenian INNODIA partner can start recruitment for the MELD-ATG study.
:: 02. August 2021
INNODIA welcomes Dr. Mark Evans into the INNODIA coordination team.
Although in such sad circumstances, I\'m honoured to join the INNODIA Coordination team at such a momentous time.
:: 30. July 2021
UK now open for Ver-A-T1D recruitment
Birmingham, UK, consented their first patient in the Ver-A-T1D clinical trial.
:: 22. June 2021
INNODIA reached an important milestone by passing the mark of 5000 recruited participants!
:: 8. June 2021
Insightful ImpactSeriesIMI
Extremely insightful ImpactSeriesIMI event on diabetes.
:: 4. June 2021
WP3 annual meeting
Interesting Day! Annual Meeting of Work Package 3.
:: 20. May 2021
International Clinical Trials Day
On Clinical Trials Day, INNODIA wants to recognize clinical research professionals for what they do to improve public health.
:: 30. April 2021
Event: IMI impact on diabetes
On June 8th, Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) organizes a public event with life sessions about the IMI impact on diabetes.
:: 03. March 2021
Eurofins Genomics provides INNODIA with RNA sequencing
In the course of INNODIA WP3 has published multiple papers that included high quality RNAseq done at Eurofins.
:: 15. February 2021
First patient in Ver-A-T1D successfully randomised
BREAKING: Today the first patient in Ver-A-T1D was successfully randomised in the Medizinische Universität Graz.
:: 11. February 2021
International Women In Science Day
How do women working for INNODIA feel about International Day for Women and Girls in Science?
:: 09. February 2021
CFZ533 starts in UZ Leuven
Yesterday February 8th, the first patient at UZ Leuven was treated with Iscalimab.
:: 03. February 2021
First patient treated in IMPACT study
Imcyse, a biopharmaceutical company pioneering the development of specific immunotherapies for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases, today announced the first patients’ treatment in the IMPACT study in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).
:: 08. January 2021
Significant paper by Prof. Dr. D. L. Eizirik
A team of researchers led by the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute Diabetes Center’s Scientific Director and ULB Professor Decio L. Eizirik, MD, PhD, WP3 lead in INNODIA....
:: 17. December 2020
First patient treated in MELD-ATG
INNODIA announces the start of the first of 4 clinical trials, in collaboration with the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).
:: 10. December 2020
Cambridge open for recruitment
Cambridge is now open for recruitment!
:: 26. November 2020
First patient screened for MELD-ATG
The first patient in the MELD-ATG trial has been screened in UZ Leuven.
:: 18. November 2020
World Diabetes Day
Not only on November 14th, but every day of the year diabetes nurses should tap themselves on the shoulder for the huge efforts they deliver to support people living with the disease.
:: 21. October 2020
Annual meeting kicks off
Today the INNODIA annual meeting starts for three days straight!
:: 21. October 2020
Prof P. Gillard wins award
INNODIA’s PI Prof Pieter Gillard wins the prestigious Belgian Endocrine Society award.
:: 15. October 2020
Prof T. Battelino wins ISPAD Prize
Congratulations to INNODIA PI Dr T. Battelino who wins the 2020 ISPAD prize for Achievement.
:: 15. October 2020
Press conference in Poland
Last week, INNODIA was brilliantly highlighted in the Polish press.
:: 14. October 2020
Sweden joining INNODIA
We have just started recruiting newly diagnosed type one diabetes patients and their relatives. On October 9, we collected our first screening samples and many relatives are in line for screening, as we have not been able to screen properly since the beginning of summer.
:: 12. October 2020
Artsenkrant features INNODIA
Where are we? What have we achieved? And what are the next steps in INNODIA?
:: 01. October 2020
With a total of 20.106 participants and half a million content views, the EASD2020 virtual annual meeting was a massive success and an interesting journey.
:: 01. October 2020
Spot it, slow it and stop it
To view this article, please click the button below which will redirect you to the IMI-Website.
:: 16. September 2020
Approval to start IMPACT
IMPACT, a study in collaboration with Imcyse SA, is now approved in both Belgium and the UK.
:: 11. September 2020
INNODIA receives regulatory approval to start MELD-ATG
INNODIA received approval from the regulatory authorities to start MELD-ATG, a study for newly diagnosed type one diabetes patients between 5 and 25.
:: 25. August 2020
4 INNODIA trials submitted
4 clinical studies have now been submitted with different authorities for approval, aiming to start soon under the INNODIA framework.
:: 16. July 2020
Dr. Anke M. Schulte about INNODIA in Pharmafakten.
Eine öffentlich-private Forschungspartnerschaft im Rahmen der europäischen Innovative Medicines Initiative – Joint Undertaking (IMI-JU) gibt Typ-1-Diabetikern und ihren Familien neue Hoffnung.
:: 05. June 2020
June 2nd 2020 will always be a day to remember. INNODIA HARVEST had it’s (virtual) kick off meeting!
:: 28. May 2020
Support ‘Hippo & Friends’ and get yourself the cutest face masks ever!
Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes foundation supports fundamental scientific research on the cause of type 1 diabetes, but also on new medicines or treatments to prevent and cure the disease.
:: 04. May 2020
INNODIA receives €12m grant to start HARVESTing
INNODIA, a public/private partnership for research aiming at biomarker discovery and prevention of type 1 diabetes in Europe, won a €12m grant from the European Commission’s Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI2 JU).
:: 29. April 2020
Europe Supports Autoantibodies as Biomarkers for T1D
An important letter of support is out!
:: 20. April 2020
INNODIA WP 3 leader investigator Prof. Decio Eizirik named Scientific Director of IBRI Diabetes Center.
IBRI Names Decio Eizirik Scientific Director of its IBRI Diabetes Center
:: 16. April 2020
More time to reflect will lead to better insights
As a PhD student, I mainly work from home nowadays due to the measurements taken by the government because of the coronavirus crisis.
:: 14. April
How does someone with three hats experience COVID-19?
Markku Saraheimo is a healthcare professional, a patient and the father of a patient.
:: 08. April 2020
IMI about INNODIA Master Protocol
The INNODIA Master Protocol exmplained
:: 06. April
Message from the PAC chair - Dr. Olivier Arnaud
Quite a strange period in our lives, not only from a personal point of view, but also worldwide, which leads us all to think about what is important.
:: 03. April 2020
PAC member turns to her sewing machine
COVID-19 … What was considered at the beginning as "flu", quickly turned into an extremely contagious virus.
:: 01. April 2020
No greater risk, if well managed!
In these days where COVID-19 fills the headlines, people with chronic diseases, such as T1D, have to be particularly careful to follow the guidance from the health authorities.
:: 27. March 2020
Worth fighting for!
Talking about the Corona virus makes me a bit restless.
:: 26. March 2020
Find your local sources about COVID-19
Some useful links regarding COVID-19
:: 25. March 2020
Corona virus from a scientist perspective
I work on basic research of type 1 diabetes in Dresden, Germany. Our university decided to close down all research labs to prevent employees from getting sick.
:: 23. March 2020
Message from Dr. C. Mathieu about COVID-19
A Message to the current situation
:: 23. March 2020
COVID-19! Say what?
We [Type one diabetes patients] hear it all the time. “Your immune system is not as strong as in a healthy person”, ”You are more vulnerable to pick up infections”, “you’re more likely to catch this”, “you have an increased risk to get that” …
:: 18. March 2020
INNODIA in times of COVID-19
As of today INNODIA decided to pause the clinical study until May 1st.
:: 12. March 2020
We welcome a new INNODIA Satellite in Geel, Belgium
As Type 1 diabetes consultants in UZ Leuven, Dr. Bernard Peene and myself receive first-hand information about the latest and most innovative therapies and Type one diabetes devises (different types of pumps & CGM monitoring systems).
:: 10. February 2020
Three JDRF awards for INNODIA partners
Three INNODIA partners receive an award at the JDRFMissionSummit20.
:: 22. January 2020
Lecture by Prof. Dr. T. Danne
INNODIA PI Prof. Dr. T. Danne lectured in Leuven about ‘Time in range - New paradigms in the treatment of children with Type 1 Diabetes’.
:: 10. January 2020
Another final visit
Svenja, the first INNODIA participant in HKA, had her final visit.
:: 06. January 2020
Prof. C. Mathieu featured in touchENDOCRINOLOGY
Prof. C. Mathieu featured in touchENDOCRINOLOGY
:: 13. December 2019
Visits in Austria
This week WP1 and PAC visited AKH in Vienna and MUG in Graz for an initiation visit.
:: 06. December 2019
Guest lecture by Professor Mark Atkinson
It was a pleasure and an honor to welcome Strategic Advisory Board member Prof. Dr. M. Atkinson in Leuven yesterday!
:: 29. November 2019
Prof. D. Dunger wins new BSPED James M Tanner Award
Congratulations to our INNODIA chief investigator Professor David Dunger.
:: 22. November 2019
Fruitful Annual Meeting Sicily
This year’s annual INNODIA meeting took place in the Ettore Majorana Foundation and International Centre for Scientific Culture in beautiful Erice, an old pre-mediaeval city where three restored monasteries provide an appropriate setting for high intellectual endeavour.
:: 18.11.2019
3000 and counting
Norwich, UK, was the fortunate INNODIA satellite to add another participant to the study, bringing us at a total of 3000! The only way is up!
:: 15.11.2019
Successful World Diabetes Day 2019
Every year, many activities take place around the world to help making World Diabetes Day a global success.
:: 08. November 2019
Significant INNODIA publication in Nature Genetics
The impact of proinflammatory cytokines on the β-cell regulatory landscape provides insights into the genetics of type 1 diabetes.
:: 08. November 2019
World Diabetes Day coming up WDD
WDD is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries.
:: 20. September 2019
An award for Prof. Otonkoski
INNODIA PI Prof. Dr. Timo Otonkoski receives the prestigious Albert Renold lectorship from EASD2019.
:: 17. September 2019
Innodia opened two more clinical centers in Italy
The staff was very committed and eager to learn and start up recruitment.
:: 09. August 2019
INNODIA is getting ready for the next chapter
Part of INNODIA’s goals is to build a clinical network of high quality...
:: 05. July 2019
Innodia wins the IMI project video contest!
Learn more about type 1 diabetes in our video.
:: 18. June 2019
Final visit of first participant recruited in the Study
Cambridge - April 1st was a very special day for INNODIA. Not because of April Fools’ Day, but because it was the last visit of Annabelle, a very courageous young woman, the first participant with Type 1 Diabetes recruited in the INNODIA study.
:: 03. June 2019
Special guests at our WP1 F2F meeting
Not only did we receive valuable feedback from all sites recruiting participants for INNODIA, but we also had the great pleasure to meet with Lorraine and her daughter Bérénice.
:: 21. May 2019
Shared islet networks in type 1 and 2 diabetes
Joachim Størling, Phd, Senior Researcher, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen INNODIA´s WP3 F2F meeting UZ Leuven
:: 16. May 2019
Viral protein detection and antigen presentation in Enterovirus infected beta cells
Zuzana Marinicova, PhD student at TU Dresden, was one of the speakers at INNODIA’s WP3 F2F meeting in Leuven last week. A lay summary of her presentation.
:: 03. April 2019
Engagement of people living with T1D and their families
Partners of INNODIA are accountable for a growing number of high level, collaborative papers, in our strive to discover novel biomarkers for T1D and achieving a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease, thus leading to a path for prevention and cure.
:: 28. March 2019
Recruitment network of samples for biomarker discovery in T1D
The INNODIA consortium is growing each year, with 15 clinical partner institutions who are responsible for recruitment of people with newly diagnosed T1D and first degree family members of people with T1D.
:: 14. February 2019
Milestone of 2000 recruitments in the INNODIA project has been achieved
We´re happy to announce that we are on track to achieving this goal !
:: 07. January 2019
INNODIA was present at the IMI networking event!
On the 14th of December, INNODIA attended the IMI networking event in Dudelange, Luxembourg. This international conference was organized by Luxinnovation and its partners, the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg, the Laboratoire national de santé, and the Luxembourg Institute of Health in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI-JU). IMI-JU is responsible for the funding of medical research projects such as INNODIA.
:: 20. November 2018
INNODIA continues to grow!
3 years after the official start of this 7-year project, INNODIA participants came together for their 3rd annual meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
:: 20. November 2018
INNODIA goes all in on communication!
With recruitment going at full speed and all of the centres active, this year’s meeting wanted to focus on the topic of retainment.
:: 13. November 2018
A novel autoantigen in type 1 diabetes has been found!
A team of INNODIA investigators of KULeuven has identified a modified form of the protein GRP78 as a novel autoantigen in human type 1 diabetes.
:: 30. October 2018
10 Years of Lighting the way
INNODIA and members of the Patient advisory committee attended a symposium to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Innovative Medicine Initiative
:: 23. October 2018
The Helsinki Biomedical Center was visited by the Patient Advisory Committee of INNODIA!
On Wednesday, members of the Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) visited the Helsinki Biomedical Center.
:: 17. October 2018
IMI celebrates 10th anniversary!
The Innovative Medicines Initiative, the framework under which INNODIA runs, exists a decade!
:: 16. October 2018
A new milestone has been reached!
We are proud to have reached a new milestone! 500 new consented participants have been recruited to the INNODIA study since our last milestone in May.
:: 13. August 2018
Do pancreatic beta cells facilitate their own destruction?
study led by R. Mallone has identified the molecules presented by pancreatic beta cells that mediate their abnormal recognition by the immune system and lead to their destruction in type 1 diabetes (T1D). These discoveries change...
:: 16. July 2018
We were on ADA TV!!
:: 02. July 2018
Job Opening: PhD position in type 1 diabetes research
Prof Chantal Mathieu s research team focuses on the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Research areas of interest are in particular focusing on...
:: 02. July 2018
Frequent monitoring of c-peptide levels
INNODIA researchers from Cambridge have developed a method to monitor what happens to the ability of type 1 diabetes patients to produce their own insulin over time, at home. They asked 32 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes to collect a drop of blood at home on a filter paper card, also called ‘dried blood spot’, every week, in the first year from diagnosis.
:: 02. July 2018
Full day meeting at King’s College in London
Last Tuesday, around 60 nurses, clinicians and researchers from 12 different European countries gathered for a full day meeting at King’s College, London, to discuss the progress on the INNODIA clinical study. Members of the communication team, representatives of JDRF and the Patient Advisory Committee also attended the meeting.
:: 13. June 2018
New biomarker for T1D?
T1D scientists have been trying for a long time to find ways to measure changes to the immune system in the blood that could tell us what is happening to the islets and beta cells in the pancreas...
:: 28. May 2018
We have reached a milestone!
We have reached a milestone! We have recruited 1000 patients with type 1 diabetes and family members to the INNODIA study!
:: 05. February 2018
We are not all type 1 diabetic, but we are all ‘auto-immune’!
In an article published on Feb, 2nd 2018 in Science Immunology, INNODIA Investigators report that the self-directed autoimmune T lymphocytes that engender the islet destruction of T1D circulate in all individuals, whether diabetic or not, but reach the pancreas only in T1D patients.
:: 09. November 2017
New INNODIA publication
Discovery of a new tracer targeting pancreatic beta cells for non-invasive imaging of human pancreatic endocrine cells
:: 17. October 2017
The members of the PAC have attended the INNODIA Year 2 meeting in Cambridge in September 2017...
:: 17. October 2017
Annual Meeting Cambridge
Almost 2 years after the official start of its 7-year project, INNODIA participants came together for their second annual meeting in Cambridge...
:: 21. September 2017
Substantial progress made
INNODIA publishes year 1 report
:: 14. February 2017
New video testimony for Innodia
New video testimony for Innodia initiative published by a 38 years T1D experienced person...
"Ariyana Salek is a 10 year old – she developed Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) at the age of 6 years old. Her brother Arman (7 years old) and mother Tracey have volunteered to join INNODIA. The volunteers give a small amount of blood to see if they have the characteristic antibodies suggesting future risk for developing T1D".
:: 11. November 2016
IMI-supported INNODIA reaches crucial milestone
First patient enrolled in the INNODIA European sample collection effort
:: 11. November 2016
INNODIA videos published
Find out who drives INNODIA
:: 01. November 2016
INNODIA First Annual meeting Oct 10-12, 2016
Nine months after the INNODIA kick-off meeting participants gathered for the first Annual Meeting from Oct. 10.-12., 2016 in Leuven, Belgium...
:: 01. November 2016
INNODIA First Annual meeting Oct 10-12, 2016
Nine months after the INNODIA kick-off meeting participants gathered for the first Annual Meeting from Oct. 10.-12., 2016 in Leuven, Belgium...
Coordinator: Prof. Chantal Mathieu, KU Leuven
:: 10. March 2016
INNODIA Kick-off meeting held in Frankfurt Jan 17th - 19th
More than 70 scientists have attended the INNODIA Kick-off meeting in Frankfurt/Main on Jan 17th – 19th representing the 33 INNODIA participants from academia, EFPIA and patient organizations...
INNODIA was launched on Nov 1st 2015 in response to the first call of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) under IMI2 by an international consortium including...
INNODIA was launched on Nov 1st 2015 in response to the first call of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) under IMI2 by an international consortium including...
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